Sunday, September 27, 2009

Who would of thought that Governor Granholm would lack imagination? After all, she is such a dramatic actor. Who else can pretend to care for this state and not try to do anything different? She knows that the changes she suggested are DOA according to Speaker Andy Dillon. Here are the changes she suggested according to “Cynical Synapse”:

Here’s what Granholm’s plan includes for Michigan’s budget over the next 2 years: $2.2 billion in cuts, $1.09 billion in tax/revenue hikes, and using $2 billion of Federal stimulus money. It’s important to note this is on top of the $500 million in cuts Granholm proposed in February. To entice Republicans, she’s offering to phase out the Michigan Business Tax 22% surcharge over 3 years, beginning in 2011.
Reduce film industry tax credits from 42% to 37%
Reduce other business tax credits by 12%
Extend 6% sales tax to live entertainment tickets, vending machine sales, and service contracts
Impose a 1% sales tax on bottled water
Increase the cigarette tax by 25 cents per pack to $2.25
Double non-cigarette tobacco taxes
Increase liquor license fees
Cut school aid by $520 million
Reduce local revenue sharing by $74 million
Squeeze $34 million out of funds used to entice business—and jobs—to Michigan ($22 million from the 21st Century Jobs fund and $12 million from a road improvements fund)

If the legislature knew the proposed suggestions for balancing the budget was unacceptable, why did they go on vacation?

If we had a part-time legislature this would have been resolved by now. Passing a continuation bill is not acceptable. I say we shut the state down. Most people would not even notice and others who get funds from the state might take some concessions and squawk so loud the legislature might get something done.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Not All Tea Parties Need To Be Huge

I recently read a Post by "Parcbench" indicating that it was time to stop marching and do something. While I agree it can be overdone, I do not think we should stop. Over and over again we see movements develop. Leaders emerge. They are taken over by more powerful and financially developed organizations and the people who were involved are left to feel disenfranchised.

I will grant you that the large groups get access to the media and are effective in lobbing for taxpayers through our contributions and support. We definitely need to continue to support them. But, we need to maintain our own protests and our own groups to not only remind ourselves how important we are, but also, to remind those lobbyist and politicians that we are the force that makes them possible.

It is easy for us (well maybe not these days) to write a check and let someone else do our work for us. That is how we got into this mess to begin with. We have to continue to keep ourselves informed, question what our elected officials tell us and think about the consequences of what is being done. All to often, we are sucked into party politics before we know it and who gets elected becomes more important than what they stand for.

I say, keep these tea party groups going for all levels of government. One of the things that makes them most effective is recognizing that there are others out there that feel just like you. It keeps your spirit and your enthusiasm charged. It keeps you from being lethargic and just plain lazy. It keeps you informed and allows you to know what questions to ask. Don't slip back to the way it was because we have only made a dent. We still do not have the respect of those who are elected by us and who have usurped power that is not theirs to take.

Be selective but not invisible. Keep them on their toes and in their place.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Heart In Washington Today

I am at home today sitting in my front room watching Fox News coverage of the 9 12 project and the march on Washington. My heart is with them. It is physically impossible for me to walk the distance and stand for hours - or you can bet I would be there. I want to believe that there are millions more who share my feelings. Others are financially unable to attend.

On September 9, I attended the rally in Troy, Michigan to support the Tea Party Express which traveled from California to Washington,DC to today's rally. There enthusiasm and commitment bolstered my feelings.

We can not stop here. When the events have come an gone, we must continue to press the issues. It is difficult to keep up the momentum. But, it is even more difficult to live under an oppressive system of government. Many people have fought and died to preserve our system of government. We have been the envy of the world and rightfully so. It is far to precious to give up without a fight. We are far to smart to be seduced by lies of government saying everything is free. We know nothing is free, especially freedom.

Continue to contact your legislators,both local and federal. Let them know that their jobs are in jeopardy if they continue to violate the Constitution they swore to uphold.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Energy Citizens

Energy Citizens

I am blogging from the Energy Citizens Rally. This rally is one of many across the country. It is being held in Livonia, Michigan at the Burton Manor. There is a great turnout. Speakers from the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Farm Bureau, American for Prosperity, and Frank Beckman from WJR Radio. They are all opposed to Cap and Trade legislation and are encouraging you to contact your legislators and ask them to oppose it as well. It is insanity to support legislation that would harm Michigan. We are already hemorrhaging jobs and being burried under stifling taxes.

It is time for all of us to get involved. Pick what ever organization that makes you feel comfortable and take action. Get involved. Makes some noise. Let your voice be heard.