Those of us who planned for our future liability are now seeing our 401ks, IRAs and Social Security disappear before our eyes. I always thought that I should be self reliant. I never thought that it would be taken from me so drastically by my own governments. I use the plural for a good reason. They are always suspicious that there will be subversives from among the people. But, it seems that they are the ones conspiring to make our lives hard and to disrupt our way of life. They are delusional. They think that they can solve problems by doing anything. Just vote for a bill. Don't read it. Talk about a problem. Don't do anything that might solve it.
It is more important that they be liked than right. The State of Michigan is a perfect example of doing nothing. In spite of the trouble we have been in, their solutions have been non existent or more harmful. At the federal level they are devaluing our dollar to the point that we should be furious. We are not the danger to our country - they are.