Perks the Pig stopped by my house to tell me that he has been reading the literature that Rep. Andy Dillon has been distributing. Apparently, Dillon thinks he has cut taxes and cut the budget. I am really sorry to add delusional to his faults.
Everyone in this state is suffering and all he can do is make things up. He attacks his opponent, Sandra Eggers, and disguises the truth. I guess working to get elected by going door to door meeting voters in the district every day and her willingness to debate him, while he refuses, means that she is not a serious candidate according to him. At least, thats what he says in his literature. I think she is as serious as pneumonia. She is also hardworking and honest. It's refreshing in a politician.
If recalled, Dillon will be the first Speaker of the House recalled anywhere in the country. We have been working on this more than a year - in and out of court. We are doing this for all the people of Michigan. Our legislators should not take us for granted. They should show us respect. They should learn that they work for us, not themselves. Think of the recall as a teaching tool. A ruler to smack the hands of our politicians and I don't much care if it hurts their self esteem. The people of this state need to take their government back from the lobbyist and special interest. We need someone to stand for us. I need someone to represent me. Dillon is my representative and he must go.
If anyone is free this weekend and would like to help us distribute literature in Redford Twsp, Dearborn Heights and a small portion of Livonia, please contact us at 313-278-8383.
If anyone is free this weekend and would like to help us distribute literature in Redford Twsp, Dearborn Heights and a small portion of Livonia, please contact us at 313-278-8383.
You are awesome Rose.
Dillon is gonna GO! WOOT!
Thank you!
So Rose...what do you have to say for yourself now? Dillon not only won the district again but also overcame your false accusations about him to try and get him recalled. You should now be required to go apologize to all of the Redford township citizens for spending all of their extra taxpayer money that you claim he took on an extra election. Be ashamed of yourself and of Leon. As you have seen of this years elections, if you want something to change, Run yourself. Don't make false claims. Ill pray for you Rose and hope that you can come to your senses at some point.
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