History for March 4
History for March 4 - On-This-Day.com
*Knute Rockne 1888*
- 1789 - The first Congress of the United States met in New York and
declared that the *U....
4 hours ago
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Awesome post. Do you mind if I ask what your source is for this information?
Not at all. I have been doing these seminars for 28 years. I got my information over the years from defending the Headlee Amendment in Court, Testifying on the Blue Ribbon Committee on the Headlee Amendment and defending it in court.
I publicly debated Proposal A and posted much info on it.
I have attended study sessions given by Assessors on the Board of Review and had many other discussions with assessors. I have also successfully appealed my own property to the Board of Review and the State Tax Tribunal. I have studied the constitution on this matter and reviewed Michigan Compiled Law. There is a bunch more but thats it in a nutshell.
Notice that Anonymous has no reply to your outstanding response to his/her question. But, I want to remind you of something. Small but still a possibility. Remember the days of the Recall and gathering signatures. The "Thugs" dispatched to scare you off?
Well it seems that it's popular these days for the Dem's to make the lives of anyone who disagrees with their "leftist ideas" miserable. The way they do it is to attempt to make it personal and protest right on your front porch irregardless of how it may disturb your neighborhood. The moron's are clearly willing to cross the line and will do anything to harass anyone who does not agree with them. Just a thought!
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