You know your getting old when you start reminiscing. Lunchtime was great when I sat down in front of the TV and had it with Soupy Sales. As a little girl, I would giggle when Pookie would sing or White Fang and Black Tooth would show up. I am proud to say I was a card carrying official birdbath. That may not mean anything to some of you but it was a big deal for me.
Some of you never got the opportunity to see his crazy hat and bow tie. I can still do the Soupy Shuffle. The words of wisdom kept me on the straight and narrow.
Those were simpler days. I wish that the kids of today could appreciate things the way we did. I didn't realise until I was grown that we didn't have much money and the special things that magically appeared once in a while were the results of sacrifices by my parents. I am sure that I am not the only one who will miss his slapstick comedy. I throw you all A BIG KISS.
The WCTA was organized in March of 1982 because of a deep concern over rapidly escalating and unjust property tax assessments. We are a non-profit, non-partisan volunteer taxpayer organization dedicated to obtaining fiscal integrity and responsibility from all levels of government.
In July of 1982, we incorporated with the State of Michigan and proceeded to build our membership. We have resolved that our elected officials should be more accountable to their constituents for their actions.
We believe that individuals can be effective but that together we can be even more effective. We hold regular membership meetings and also sponsor special and educational meetings on topics of interest to our members and the general community.
Only through a vigilant watch of the government can taxpayers ensure that our government is operating responsibly and efficiently.
Information is a very important ingredient of the WCTA. Our newsletter is sent to all members and we try to keep them apprised of existing and pending legislation that will directly affect their lives.
Contact us at:
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