Friday, August 24, 2007


Some of you have expressed a desire to recall your State Representative or Senator, if they vote for a tax increase. The WCTA will be glad to facilitate you buy filing the appropriate paperwork with Wayne County to form a committee, find out the number of signatures required to recall them from office, set up the proper documents to establish a bank account at LaSalle Bank for your committee and will even help you file a return if you collect more than $1000. (Chances are you will not even come close.) It will cost you very little, if you do it right. It will cost them a great deal to defend themselves.

We can act as a contact point to match up anyone interested in helping recall. Helping you contact each other is half the battle. We will answer any questions which you may have. All other facets must be done by the committee itself. Anyone else who is interested should call us or email us.

You may choose to file a committee and not follow through without penalty but with the proper help, the signature gathering while time consuming, is not difficult.

Ask your like minded friends for help. You may also wish to contact the Wayne County Election Division. You may do it from our website or click on this link . You may give our number for the initial contact (313)-278-8383.

Rose Bogaert, Chair
Wayne County Taxpayers Association, Inc.

1 comment: said...

Taxpayers fed up and not taking it anymore. Hopefully our good Representatives and Senators are paying attention before it gets that far!
