Thursday, June 04, 2015

Evans Will Veto Commissioners Vote to Not Increase Taxes

Today the Wayne County Commission voted by a vote of 9 to 5 not to raise taxes of $49 million on our summer taxes. County Executive Evans is expected to veto that and place a special assessment on our tax bills unless we can convince one of the commissioner to change their vote to override the veto. Commisioners   Webb, Killeen, Clark-Coleman, Ware and Scott voted no on transferring the money to avoid putting the bill on taxpayers. Alisha Bell was absent. The rest voted to keep taxpayers from getting the extra tax this summer.  
 According to the commission Chair they will try to override his veto in about a week and a half, but will need help from at least one of those who voted against us today.


Distribution List Name:              WC Commission


Com. Al Haidous (
Com. Alisha Bell (    
Com. Burton Leland (
Com. Diane Webb (
Com. Gary Woronchak (
Com. Ilona Varga ( 
Com. Jewel Ware (  
Com. Joe Barone (
Com. Joseph Palamara ( 
Com. Martha Scott (    
Com. Ramond Basham     
Com. Richard (
Com. Richard L Blanc (
Com. Terry Marecki          
Com. Tim Killeen (

Please contact everyone in your address book who lives in Wayne County and tell them to contact their commissioner and others if they can.
Special assessments are completely out of control and used to violate the Headlee Amendment:
Article IX section 31 of the State Constitution limits your ability to tax.

§ 31 Levying tax or increasing rate of existing tax; maximum tax rate on new base; increase in assessed valuation of property; exceptions to limitations.
Sec. 31. Units of Local Government are hereby prohibited from levying any tax not authorized by law or charter when this section is ratified or from increasing the rate of an existing tax above that rate authorized by law or charter when this section is ratified, without the approval of a majority of the qualified electors of that unit of Local Government voting thereon. If the definition of the base of an existing tax is broadened, the maximum authorized rate of taxation on the new base in each unit of Local Government shall be reduced to yield the same estimated gross revenue as on the prior base. If the assessed valuation of property as finally equalized, excluding the value of new construction and improvements, increases by a larger percentage than the increase in the General Price Level from the previous year, the maximum authorized rate applied thereto in each unit of Local Government shall be reduced to yield the same gross
revenue from existing property, adjusted for changes in the General Price Level, as could have been collected at the existing authorized rate on the prior assessed value. The limitations of this section shall not apply to taxes imposed for the payment of principal and interest on bonds or other evidence of indebtedness or for the payment of assessments on contract obligations in anticipation of which bonds are issued which were authorized prior tothe effective date of this amendment.
History: Add. Init., approved Nov. 7, 1978, Eff. Dec. 23, 1978