On December 10, the Michigan Taxpayers Allience and the WCTA are going to give awards to people that really deserve them. Robert Bobb, Emergency Financial Manager for the beleaguered Detroit Public School system and Frank Beckmann the taxpayers' friend and advocate from WJR AM 760 radio and writer of insiteful newpaper columns in the Detroit News have performed in a manner deserving of recognition. We will also have an award for a surprise guest.
We hope you will come and join us. Time is running out and tickets will not be available at the door. Click Here for information.
I expect we will all have a great time. Everyone is welcome. Help us celebrate and toast, in this time of government hell, those people who are actually doing something for us. It is a rare thing to find people of integrity who work hard at doing the right thing. When we find them, we should let them know they are appreciated and ask them how we can help.
When the effort for passing Proposal A was in full force in 1993,I worked my heart out trying to defeat it. Some people thought I was crazy. There was no question that assessments were out of control as well as the property taxes they generated. My argument then is the same as it is now. It was the method they chose that I was opposed to. A tax reduction could have been acheived by something as simple as reducing taxes from 50% of true cash value to say 40% of the true cash value of the property.
They on the other hand had to make it complicated and bate one segment of the population against the other. While Proposal A did slow the taxation rate by reduceing millage rates and slowing taxable values for some, other were picking up the burden as property changed hands through sales or inheritance. Right now, two families living in identical houses in the same subdivision may be paying drastically different amounts of taxes for the same services because one person has lived in their house longer. The crash in our property values has helped to aleviate that problem for some but it has not eliminated it. When we go to sell our homes there are fewer buyers because the tax will then be applied to the State Equalized Value of our property making the payments to expensive.
Proposal A had all kinds of enabling legislation that went into effect. We got an increase in the sales tax and gas tax. Inflation helps to increase those taxes. Given the way the federal government is spending money, we will soon see a huge increase in inflation and taxes. We got a different rate of tax on our non homstead property. Another thing that came to fruition was an increase in requests for bonds and sinking funds for schools, which are still allowed.
Due to the decline in proprty values,you will now begin to see more Truth in Taxation Hearings. Local governing bodies can increase millage rates up to the maximum allowable truth in assessment / equalization millage by simple ordanance or resolution instead of a vote of the people. This can be done because the revenue generated under Proposal A will not equal last years revenue plus inflation without increasing the millage. This is also true of all the other government millages in Michigan.
Another interesting restriction that was created under Proposal A was a requirement that no increase over the then authorized operating millage could be passed unless it was done on an intermediate school district level. Each County wide region is allowed a 3 mil enhancement if approved by the voters. Multi-district tax a tough sell, but that could change
With state aid in peril and federal stimulus funding that came to the rescue this year set to expire, is it time for Michigan’s local school districts to turn again to local taxpayers?
Some have exercised a rarely used option under 1994’s Proposal A to seek multi-district millage hikes.
Very few have succeeded.
The schools of Washtenaw County — including Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Saline — asked voters to approve enhancement mills on Nov. 3. Property taxpayers in the Washtenaw Intermediate School District would have paid an extra 2 mills for 5 years had the request been approved.
It passed in Ann Arbor, but got hammered elsewhere. The final tally was 57.4% no to 42.6% yes.
“We knew that this was a bad time” to be asking taxpayers for more money, said Ann Arbor Public Schools communications director Liz Margolis. “But we just had no choice.” With state help in decline as state revenues shrink and the likelihood of more bad news to come, a countywide discussion had been under way for a year, Margolis said. Ann Arbor voters had a history of support for school millages, and district officials led the campaign.
But while Ann Arbor voters kept their reputation intact, the measure lost by margins of up to 3-1 in some out-county communities such as Milan and Lodi Township. Margolis said schools won’t try again soon and would give it another shot only if every school district in the intermediate school district, or ISD, would “buy in and really try to sell it.”
So far, talk about enhancement- millage requests — regions can ask for as much as 3 mills and use the money for any purpose — has been muted around the state.
David Martell, executive director of the Michigan School Business Officials, said that for years after Proposal A took effect, school funding was secure and obstacles to winning regional approval for tax hikes were so high, that few enhancement elections were held.
“It’s a very, very hard sell,” Martell said, chiefly because the cost and benefits are usually unbalanced across an ISD because the tax is assessed on property wealth and distributed on a per-pupil basis.
But financial conditions are rapidly worsening in so many districts that Martell said the bar for passing a millage could drop.
“I don’t know why” enhancement- millage requests “haven’t taken hold more recently,” he said. “I think once parents start to feel the real impact of the cuts that are coming … they might turn to something like that.”
Voters in Kalamazoo County approved a 1.5-mill regional tax in 2005 and renewed it by a wider margin in 2008. But Kalamazoo Regional Superintendent Ron Fuller said that unless economic anxiety in Michigan lightens by then, “it will be a tougher sell a year and a half from now” when it is scheduled to expire again.
Doug Drake, a financial analyst with Public Policy Associates in Lansing and former state budget official, said that if state lawmakers decline to approve higher taxes to restore school funding, more districts may have to consider joining for enhancement efforts.
“When the checkbook in the sky is empty, you just may have to think about going door-todoor. There aren’t very many other options,” Drake said.
Governor Granholm and the legislature understood this when they refused to reduce the budget in other ways, while alowing cuts to education. If you can not get the legislature to raise taxes, put the pressure on parents to do the job.
I for one am tired of excuses and the blame shifting. The Governor and the legislators are paid to do a job but they keep shiftng the hard stuff on to the taxpayer and disclaim any personal reponsibility. Enough is enough! We need to make them do their job or remove them and keep them from any future office.
If they were meeting in private to get it right without distraction, they failed. I can not believe that they could come up with a bill that is 1992 pages long and not explained away any faults in three bill. Hold on to your hats. It is going to be a very bumpy and dangerous ride. Maybe it will be deadly for some.
If you value your health, contact your senators now that the bill has passed the House. In fact, write them, email them and fax them. Contact other senators as well. The phone is a great invention as well. In fact, I suggest you use it early and often just like some people vote.
Maybe if we make a real nuisance their staff will quit and they won't be able to do anything.
They may think this is funny, but I don't. As we speak the intent of Congress is to vote on the health care bill this coming Saturday (tomorrow). How many times can the American people be lied to before they fire these incompetent, self righteous, self serving, destroyers of the American way.
Neither the Democratic Bill nor the Republican bill is good for the American people. Both bills take away your freedoms and give power to the government. They are destroying our system of government and the legacy for our children. They have put forth nothing to solve our problems but have only done things to exacerbate them.
How can a $460 billion dollar tax increase be expected to save people who are already unemployed. Increased taxes to small businesses will not create more jobs. The fact that you can not believe a thing they say does not help. You never know what your getting. We have compromised our liberties to long. We should make them listen or throw them out if they will not.
The WCTA was organized in March of 1982 because of a deep concern over rapidly escalating and unjust property tax assessments. We are a non-profit, non-partisan volunteer taxpayer organization dedicated to obtaining fiscal integrity and responsibility from all levels of government.
In July of 1982, we incorporated with the State of Michigan and proceeded to build our membership. We have resolved that our elected officials should be more accountable to their constituents for their actions.
We believe that individuals can be effective but that together we can be even more effective. We hold regular membership meetings and also sponsor special and educational meetings on topics of interest to our members and the general community.
Only through a vigilant watch of the government can taxpayers ensure that our government is operating responsibly and efficiently.
Information is a very important ingredient of the WCTA. Our newsletter is sent to all members and we try to keep them apprised of existing and pending legislation that will directly affect their lives.
Contact us at: http://www.wctaxpayers.org