The Michigan Taxpayers Tea Party in Lansing was a success. Hundreds for taxpayers showed up to tell the governor an legislature not to raise taxes. In the same spirit the Wayne County Taxpayers Association has joined a coalition of taxpayers from around the country in an effort how state money is spent.
As you may know, last year President Bush signed S. 2590, the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, into law. The legislation creates a searchable online database that the general public can use to track the flow of hundreds of billions of dollars in federal grant and contract expenditures. We deserve the same access to state government finances.
Creating a similar website on the state level would entail little cost, but it would greatly increase transparency in the distribution of precious tax dollars and help hold all elected officials accountable for state spending. By acting now, we in Michigan have the opportunity to lead the nation in making spending more easily accessible to the public. Tell your legislator: "Show me the spending!"
By participating in the letter campaign you can help convince your legislator to support legislation. You can see pictures and a video of the rally and send letters to you legislator from our website.
Sources say the details shared by Hegseth in Signal chat were classified as
Atlantic publishes additional messages - CNN
1. Sources say the details shared by Hegseth in Signal chat were
classified as Atlantic publishes additional messages CNN
2. Here Are the Att...
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