Last week, a Lansing reporter informed Leon Drolet, President of Michigan Taxpayers Alliance, that a Governor's staffer had told him that the Gov was aware of the April 18 Taxpayer Teabag protest planned at the Capitol - and was preparing a "surprise" for protesters. What "surprise"?Turns out that the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) have moved up their lobby day in Lansing to coincide with our tax protest. They support Granholm's plan to mandate government preschool for all children. And they are not alone. An organization called "Artserve", which supports more tax dollars being spent on art, has also changed the day and time of their lobby day to April 18. It appears those that demand more and more spending and higher taxes will try to outdo taxpayers that day.
According to the AFT Michigan website, they are planning to bus public school teachers in from around the state. It is now even more important than ever to spread the word to all taxpayers about the Taxpayer Protest Rally! Everyday taxpayers need to show up at the Capitol in Lansing on April 18, bring a teabag that we will deliver to the Governor, and tell Lansing politicians to balance their budget by cutting spending and enacting reforms; NOT BY RAISING TAXES ON CITIZENS!
Get to the Capitol around 10:00am. Rally starts at 11:00am, but you will need time to park. Taxspenders are planning to hijack this rally, and demand more and more of YOUR money. We cannot allow the voices of everyday taxpayers to be drowned out. Take the day off work, clear the calendar, gather your family and friends, and head to Lansing on April 18!
History for March 26
History for March 26 -
*Sterling Hayden 1916 - Actor, author*
- 1910 - The U.S. Congress passed an amendment to the *1907 Immigration ...
5 hours ago